Kitty Litter Trouble? How To Keep Your Carpets Shining Despite Your Furry Friend

Cat owners, we've all been there. You're working hard to keep your floors clean, but no matter what you do, your cat seems to be kicking their litter all over the place, making it tough to fully clean your carpet. Fear not—we've got you covered. Check out these top tips for keeping your carpets clean and enjoying your furry best friend.

Create A Barrier

Your cat wants to cover their mess, and you can't stop them from their natural instinct to kick kitty litter outside of the box. What you can do, however, is create a barrier between their litter area and your carpet. Placing their litter box inside of a cardboard box or large plastic container can make litter clean up far easier than trying to constantly vacuum up small pieces of litter.


Consider A Higher Box

A box with higher sides can also be an option for cat owners who are looking for a way to keep litter contained. If your cat is older, you may need to provide a step for them to get into and out of their new box.

Try Different Locations

It's likely that you have some spaces in your home without carpet, and it's smart to consider placing your cat's litter box in one of these areas. Think about using your basement, bathroom, laundry room, or other non-carpeted area as a new location for your cat's litter box. Many cats take some time to adjust to a new routine, so you may want to place a new box in a new area before removing their old box, giving them a chance to get used to going to the bathroom in a new place.

Get Regular Professional Cleanings

No matter how hard you work to keep your carpets clean, you need to get a professional cleaning from time to time if you have pets. A professional carpet cleaning can remove deep stains and grime from your carpets, helping to extend the life of your carpets and keep your home fresh and clean.

Been Awhile Since Your Last Professional Clean? We've Got You.

If you're searching for carpet cleaning Toledo, we're glad you found SteamEx, and we're here to help. Our Toledo carpet cleaning company will work with you to create the refreshing clean you want from your home. Reach out today to learn more about our carpet cleaning services Toledo.

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